Thursday, February 27, 2020

Kenya solar project creates Clean Water from saltwater for Kiunga and Beyond

Kenya solar project creates Clean Water from saltwater for Kiunga and Beyond

On my way to Nairobi pray Traveling mercies once again - Paul Makokha Machimbo

On my way to Nairobi pray Traveling mercies once again - Paul Makokha Machimbo .. and by gods grace during the work and the travel home again - 
February 25 at 7:32 AM · 
On my way to Nairobi 

Paul Makokha Machimbo  February 19 · 
 I Reached home safely
Your prayers

The Harvest was very poor due to sporadic rainfall

Benard Onyango - 21 hrs ·  Our kids at the orphanage getting the grains from the cobs. This time the harvest was very poor due to sporadic rainfall. The garden where we usually get close 30 bags of corn (90kg bags), this season we just managed less than three bags. The school and orphanage uses 135kg of corn every week.